Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nursing Room

As a mother of two, I've been through the pains of tending to my little ones in shopping malls where nursing facilities were run down, unhygienic, smelly or non-existent. Trips to the shops were often very focussed, dashing in to get what I needed and out again to nurse my baby at home. I had to be very disciplined and side-blinded myself as I walked past my favourite boutiques.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all malls in Malaysia had large, clean, fully equipped and beautifully decorated nursing rooms? Why not since new mothers are presumably a high spending segment of customers as we frequently make purchases for new clothing to dress our new post-birth body shape. Then there's the never ending shopping for babies on growth spurts, presents for their elder sibling's birthday invitation, husbands who piggy back on our trip to the store, etc.
Magasin in Aarhus, Denmark - wallstickers from Ferm LIVING Butterflies and Birds 

Would it be too much to ask for an Eames Shell Chair Rocker to ease off the stress of shopping and breastfeeding a baby.
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Images via Favourite Things by Ferm Living and Ohdeedoh.

1 comment:

  1. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if all malls in Malaysia had large, clean, fully equipped and beautifully decorated nursing rooms? Why not since new mothers are presumably a high spending segment of customers as we frequently make purchases for new clothing to dress our new post-birth body shape" - Absolutely. My wife used to complain about the nursing room in shopping malls and performed the same dashing in and out routine. If only we had some nice nursing rooms with cozy setup. That may create another problem as she may not want to come home afterall :)


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