Tuesday, June 29, 2010


We've seen more globalization in the last 10 years than ever before. Thanks to no-frills airlines, global economies and easy access to information, the world is literary at our fingertips.

Our family moved to Australia in the late 90's and at that time, we were one of the few Asian families in our neighbourhood. I recall an Australian friend's mother who tasted a mango for the first time ever and thought, how could anyone not have eaten a mango in their entire adult life? There were people who didn't know where Malaysia was (ok, we're not a big country) and I was the subject of much curiosity when I visited the homes of my 'Aussie mates'. Well, not anymore.  More and more we see inter-racial marriages, friends and family travelling abroad to work and coming home with new ideas. There's nothing really far and foreign anymore.

I'm fascinated by the effects of globalization and how much it has influenced human life. There's so much more that I can go on about it but I'll stop here.

This world is amazing. Globes and maps are magnificent!

** The third image from the top is from an unknown source. Please email me if it belongs to you and I'd be happy to credit you for it.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Ladies who have the luxury of owning a Louis Vuitton suitcase, keep showing it off even when you're not globe-trotting with it. Decorate with it.

Stack them up beneath your side table

A steamer trunk is just the right height for a coffee table. Just don't spill anything on it. 

Give it some height with vintage books.

I wonder where and how Kimora keeps her collection?

* Images courtesy of Apartment TherapyBlogging About Anything, Elle Decor and House Beautiful

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sun-Shiny Yellow

How great would it be if I could build a play house like this for my kiddos? On second thoughts, it's blazing hot in this part of the world and would make more sense to build a playroom inside the house for the kids, with sun-shiny yellow wallpaper.
Top left: Mini holiday home
Top right: Mini castle
Bottom left: Mini mansion
Bottom right: Dotty wallpaper

* Images courtesy of Ohdeedoh

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweet Sparrow + Swirls

Look what I spotted...a Sparrow wallsticker by Ferm LIVING! The curves of the bed frame and the wallsticker are such a gorgeous and girly match.

* Image courtesy of La Maison Boheme

Friday, June 18, 2010

Win a Ferm LIVING Wallsticker

There's a little contest happening at HomePride and it's open to everybody. Stand a chance to win any one of these world stickers:

Follow these simple instructions to join:
  1. Send a picture of an iconic area in your house, such as your dining room or bedroom to ask@homepride.com.my and with the subject title "Iconic Design: Promotion"
  2. In 25 words or less, write about how wallstickers could spice up that area in the most creative way
  3. Submit your entries in by Thursday July 8, 2010.

All entries will be published in
HomePride's Facebook page by Friday July 9, 2010.
Winners are chosen by the most liked picture on Facebook. So get all your friends to vote for you! For further details on the contest, please go to the promotion page.

Good luck!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What's Your Style Challenge

I love challenges and I love seeing the individual styles of design bloggers around the world. Ally, the author of From the Right Bank is having a "What's your Style in One Picture Challenge". It's the third time that Ally is hosting this challenge and I'm participating in it for the first time.

This picture of Nanette Lepore's living room says a lot about my style. It's eclectic, uses shots of strong colours, invaluable flea market finds, vintage furniture (Hans J. Wegner's Papa Bear chair being a favourite) and if only I could get my hands on that chandelier...

The townhouse was decorated by one of my favourite designers Jonathan Adler and the dressing room that he designed for Nanette Lepore is to die for. Does that sum up why this picture is absolutely my style?

Thank you Ally for setting up this challenge.

* Image courtesy of Elle Decor

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spotted in HomePride.com.my

Thank you to the team in HomePride.com.my who ran an article about Iconic Designs and our products. To read the full article, please follow the link: http://homepride.com.my/ideas-and-inspiration/homepridecommy-iconic-designs

Friday, June 11, 2010

Four Poster Beds

Today is Friday and tonight is the kick-off of the World Cup in South Africa. Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be shopping for the perfect four poster bed.

Modern steel frames.

Vintage iron frames.

Cherry wood poles...like thin pencils.

African inspired.

Raw wood frames with a light coat of paint.

* Images courtesy of House Beautiful, Elle Decor and My Sweet Savannah.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ethnic Prints

Ethnic prints and ikats are making their way onto the runway and into the designs of homes. I love it and can't wait to see these prints used in the work of more designers.
Ethnic patterns by BCBG and Gucci via Harpers Bazaar Malaysia

Paris wallpaper by Florence Broadhurst

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Versatility of a Scarf

When asked what my style is, I'd say it leans towards bohemian. I live in a place where it's hot throughout the year but I never gave up finding ways to use a scarf.

Love the long and glittery piece on Paris.

Nicole Richie wears it with a side swept fringe.

Wear it as a head wrap or simply tie it loosely around the neck.

Not forgetting our men...wrap it once around the neck and tuck it into your shirt. Hubba hubba!

* Images courtesy of Examiner.com, Coquette and Million Looks.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wardrobe Fantasies

Anna Sui's chic black and white closet.

Nanette Lepore's plush wardrobe designed by Jonathan Adler. Cute pup.

Big and Carrie's 'his and hers' closet in Sex and the City 2.

* Images courtesy of Elle Decor

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wallpaper Idea - Wardrobe

There's half a roll of wallpaper left over. What can you do with it? Wallpaper isn't only for a long feature wall, it can add a whole new life to an otherwise untidy and dreary wardrobe.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Want to be a Kid Again

Rosie's a real lucky kid. Her fearless Mum took on her new bedroom with bold colours like yellow and turquoise. The gorgeous chandelier was an old item in the house that Rosie's Mum repainted and the brass bed frame belonged to Rosie's great-grandmother. Not forgetting to mention that the wallpaper is Dotty from Ferm KIDS.

To find out more about Rosie's room, please visit ohdeedoh's link.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bronze Bathroom

While planning for the renovation of my bathroom, I was all out to get the look of this white on bronze design.

My bathroom now looks like this:

The vanity area (I'm still scouting for ideas to house those bottles of creams and lotions) and sink takes up the whole left side. The shower and toilet share the right side.

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