Lofts give me the feeling of uber coolness that I am the opposite of. Never really one to be in top control of how I speak and behave, it's inevitable that my home is pretty much a reflection of my character. There are a riot of colours everywhere and though I own a Scandinavian style furniture store, my home is free from any themes. The dining room is modern primitive, living room is Danish (somewhere between mid-century and modern), kitchen is mostly modern with mocha coloured glass cabinets and the rest of the house is undecided as I take my time to furnish it.
This loft apartment in Ukraine is an exception. There is everything to love about it. Each section of the house is well defined and every detail is a clean match to the whole.
The open concept living and dining room - note the wall hanging of plants |
The dining table extends from the kitchen island which I think is very convenient for everyday dining. Those chairs are super cool and it looks pretty light, another plus point for practicality. The blackboard contrasts beautifully to the concrete and wooden palettes.
Dining room |
Just in case you're wondering what those holes in the wall are for, it's to store wine...what an ingenious idea!
Wine storage |
Perfect combination of materials - louvered ceiling, open brick wall and solid wood flooring.
Dining room close up |
A bright red container is a brilliant way to bring industrial cool into the house...given that your ceiling's big enough to accommodate. This red beauty houses a powder room.
Container in the house |
It's all in the details. A spotlight that shines into the centre pillar of the house. What may have deemed an architectural flaw now takes center stage. The television is recessed into the feature clever!
View from the upper floor |
A tranquil family room facing the living green wall and a recessed marine tank. More clever lighting desigsn here.
The family room |
The kid's room is equally impressive and cool. Cool parents raise cool kids I suppose?
Kid's room |
And I saved the best for last...this amazing view from the patio.
Patio - day |
Patio - night |
* All images are from the Contemporist. To see more images of this loft, please click